First time God had fulfilled my wish, rather He had given everything without any wish.This may be His best gift for me. Analysing the various God's gifts to me, I came up with some exploring and amazing things which I did realize very recently. What I had felt was our typical possession of two things-mind and heart. Mind, is something where thoughts come and go,which are related to our lifestyle, related to the people with whom we interact and various circumstances we face. Often, these thoughts are baseless or meaningful. It all depends upon our thoughts from which they are generated and how these thoughts are really close to us. These thoughts dare to bare ,going to any length, irrespective of the boundaries. These thoughts , often become dreams and carry us to the world of imagination , where we can feel the imaginative actually happen.In the meanwhile, we relish the joyful ride, which realistically we cannot.But when the dreams break,we are into the real world into the real things with the real people and real circumstances. I Another, is heart, which keeps on beating . This beat rate keeps on fluctuating , depending on the different experiences..The experience depends on the level of intimacy with the experience.Sometimes, our heart sinks, aches and sometimes bounces with joy. This , just happens as it happens. Can we really control our mind and heart? Can we master them and tame them?Can we divert our thinking and overlook them? Someway or the other, we would be deceiving ourselves , because it would be hiding something from ourselves, which we want to feel but cannot or do not because of our circumstances.
I know within only three months I made some life long friendships. I love my friends and do not want to leave them rather they love me more than me. I have to control my feelings because reality is beyond the emotions. I have to be practical this time and say bye to NCST and my friends. But World is small enough we will meet again
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