"LIFE Needs Some Changes-mission Impossible"
Last night Pravin dada asked the question same again, “Anuj what are you doing in a Distribution Center? There is nothing to do there. Come back to store operation”. I know that he is right but still I have a great benefit over him. My office timing is fix and there is not so much work to do. I can use my time for study and improving my skills. But this is true that I am killing my time here. Yeap! Now I start thinking about my doings these days. I started questioning to myself.
I wanted to say,” Dada, I had worked hard in my starting days, But what I got you know well, don’t you? You also stop working so hard at putting your feelings aside, smoothing things over and ignoring your needs.”
I remember, someone’s words “If you do more work than other you will get more works”.
I know that principles such as honesty and integrity are not the outdated ideals of a bygone era. I learned that I don’t know everything, it’s not my job to save the world and that I can’t teach a pig to sing. But now from last three days I am helping supply chain people. I share there work load and do the mapping and best fit of materials. Definetly this will bring me more near to the supply chain people. I also started taking more interest in pending works of IT. I have completed many works which was given to my colleagues.
I don't expect any good response from my department and the enthusiasm is much below than that of beginning days. I am in the early stages of my career, given plenty of guidance and support. I was closely monitored, coached and mentored. But as I moved up the ladder, the sources of honest and useful feedback became fewer, and after a certain point, I became pretty much on my own. Now, my boss is no longer giving much consideration to our day-to-day actions. By the time any mistakes come to light, it’s probably too late to fix them – or my boss’s perceptions of me.
No matter how talented & successful you are, you will make mistakes. You will develop bad habits. The world will change cunningly, without even noticing you & your behaviors. It’s hard to see it when you’re in the midst of it; changes in the environment, competitors, or even personal circumstances can quietly guide you off your game.
Pravin dada and sachin are now transferred to Roll Out team that means now they have to run over one place to other daily. I am still doing office duty and getting more weight day by day.
I know that our body really is our temple. I began to care for it and treat it with respect. I eat a balanced diet, during more water, and take more time to exercise. I learnt that "being tired fuels doubt, fear, and uncertainty and so we take more time to rest. And, just as food fuels the body, laughter fuels our soul. So we should take more time to laugh and to play."
So not only the professional my personal life both need some change and the process of improving them has began.